Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ta'aruf?? Check!!

Hey, sorry for the complete hiatus because I just finished joining Ta'aruf, which is a 3-day orientation in my new campus, Bina Insani. It's not that different with my previous Spensa orientation (But Spensa's longer and.... more cruel). The seniors are really nice but the evaluation they pulled in the last two days had been very nice and unforgettable. I really like day three, because I like the adrenaline rush inside of me, and the time they said they were kidding.... My heart drops. O M G, I thought it was real!!!!!!!!! I'm now very very tired and very very drowned. I'll tell you the momentum about the Ta'aruf but before......

I got a Macbook. Pro. Not Air. Pro. I know I shouldn't complain because Pro is so much nicer than Air, but I want Air to death because it's so light and I hate carrying heavy metal thing in my bag. But I thank Allah everytime I pray because I've been working on my song-writing passion and I'm working with my baby Ciffy, my first ever guitar.

I braid my hair (cornrows style) to 4 section because I was born in April. I bring Nasi Kuning with Abon and Sate for the "Tebak-tebakan" and I'm so happy that day because I feel no burden at all... And I'm spending my Day 1 smoothly. Compared to my BFFs at Public School, mine are so much nicer and kinder because in Public School we are attached to so many things!! And the essays, omg. /dead/ My favourite time of Day 1 is when the seniors read out the next "Tebak-tebakan". I feel so smart because I catch the things easily..... Hehehehe. I arrived home at six.

I USED KERUDUNG THIS DAY. I'm very sensitive with the thing because my scalp can't handle heat and my own sweat... But this day, I'm not that sensitive. In fact I'm very comfy with kerudung wrapping my head. My favourite momentum is when I get to know all the teachers in Bina Insani and asking signatures (And apparently spent too much time in it, so I missed out the opportunity to get the Dewan Harian OSIS') because they're really friendly. Arrived at home at five thirty.

Favourite part?? The evaluation. That. Evaluation. Is. God. I feel so scared and welcomed at the very same time. A part of me is still scared about the evaluation but the other just.... Glad. And the Pocari Sweat team came and put us into games and we got a bottle of PC each.

Overall, I'm so happy I didn't missed out the opportunity to actually finished Ta'aruf. I might not be the best (As I saw screencaps of me, talking about Ta'aruf stuffs. I'm sorry for those who got offended......) but I'm still happy and approve the thing if they want to do it next year. I have no revenge or anything, but there's no better welcoming hellos than the evaluation.

BTW Alira, saw your post. Thanks for mentioning me!!! ;)

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