Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 1: Why your last relationship ended.

janskdanlsankdmandfkjdsfanskjfajriethanjgak at this question. Well, here's the thing. My last relationship sucks. If I could de-count it, I would. It ended because he was cheating and I'm still stuck at my past, just like I am now. Here's the thing, when you have a history with someone, and that history is nowhere near the bad, traumatic one, you won't be able to forget it. You'll move on, or let it go, or stupidly ignoring the fact that Hey, I've done that. I think I'm going to stay, because that thing I was doing is picture perfect, or I'm not trying that, it's way too risky. I think I'm going to stay and cuddle my amazing past. Do I want to stay in the same condition, no. I'm staying because I haven't met that person who's going to snap me out of it, to grab my hand and show me that it's actually okay to omit the past, and the future is waiting to be explored. In the end, all I have to do is just wait, right?

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