Monday, April 23, 2012

April: Itchy itchy throat

So it's.... Four days to the epic amazing, long waited sixteen birthday. I've dream the day since... I know that the age of sixteen supposed to be the elixir of your life, the honey to the flower, the F in fun (because otherwise it's only 'un', I mean, what's so fun about 'un'? Ugh ranting, Darren Criss has contaminated me.)

I've been busy with several things, to name one... It's BI Minister. The annual event of Bina Insani Senior High School. It's an event, served as a seminar and the fun thing is: it's open for public! The speakers are Naning Pranoto and some guys from Stand Up Comedy Bogor, and we have Bima Arya too. He supposed to be a keynote speaker and yes, I don't know what that is. I kept referring to a small amount in speech-speaker, so he will be like, the commercial speaker? I don't know, really. But he's an awesome person and talking to him always relief a little bit of me every now and then, regarding his competition I'm in. I'm really afraid of losing and in my head now... It's the only option. Ugh, pessimistic as always.

S, the BI Minister, I've been helping Hilmi to design some of the posters and publication thingy and stuff. Even though he's mojo on photoshop is sharp as f*ck, he still needs ideas though, don't know what his head is filled up with. He can't make up some weird ideas yet always find a new line to insult me. Yep, Brina the Bullied.

Regarding the birthday, I think I'm going to post my sixteen years old resolution, yes? I got bunch of words scribbled in my mind, still making some goals in my life, including NYU and Birmingham. Parents apparently approved my plans ahead, which is surprising because I've seen my Bapak lecturing me about ITB and stuff, but when I told him about the chemical engineering/business major/minor in Birmingham, he looks... Collected. But I haven't told him about the journalism I want to took in NYU though. It's really complicated when your dreams and your parents' expectation clash. I don't think Daddy don't mind on any of my decision as he gave no care what so ever about it, and my Mami thinks that I know what's best for me.

Anyway... I hope for anyone who came across in my blog to wish me a very, handful, blessed luck for me as I'm going to sit on my AFS test in the 29th. I just need to pass, as I bore myself in the country... And I need new experiences for my Vitae.

I don't know why I put this in the first place.

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