Monday, September 10, 2012

Matah Ati: The beautiful kind of beauty.

(photos courtesy of Matah Ati Facebook, and further info about the play is on the website)

&These are my favourite, favourite scenes of all.

Rambutmu, mbak Rambat:(

First&second are the great war, the next two is either Rubiyah's kasmaran or gundah gulana scene, both are the solo piece of Mbak Rambat Yulianingsih, the amazing dancer that potrays Rubiyah or Matah Ati. Next is the villagers scene. At Solo, they're making hell out of laugh /and/ some of sensitive political jokes. I love it. It's snappy, it's fast and it's clever. The caping throwing is awesome too because you see a lot of movement in the stage and it closed the part beautifully. After is Rubiyah (Mbak Rambat) and Raden Mas Said in the great war. I really like this photo because it's Rubiyah that's in the spotlight, not Raden Mas Said. I love the story. It's so javanese, I love being javanese. But it's so modern, regarding the time (The setting was supposed to be  1700-1800-ish), it's amazing that a woman that's not actually priyayi or royal could lead the war and actually win. The last photo is the lovemaking scene and what I love about it, it's so sacred and calming but scary at the same time. Mbak Rambat looks so pretty and I want to be that pretty. Javanese pretty. Not I'm-a-fabulous-New-York-City-Woman but Javanese beauty. It scares me though that somehow, out of nowhere, a man could ask your dad for permission to marry you.

With Mom

Matur nuwun saget kagem sendratari Matah Ati. It was a life-changing moment for a while:)

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