I almost thought I'm celebrating the transition from 2012 to 2013, when I realise it's only a collection of heartbeats to 2014.
Time flies so fast when you're having fun.
So... 2013. I have done great in cleaning up my life. Eliminating the bad, getting out of unhealthy relationships, start working out, eating well. I really think I did well in 2013. So here's the list of 20 lesson I've learnt (and applied) in 2013:
1. Somethings are better left unsaid.
2. Being an idealist is more tiring than being OCD 24/7.
3. Money can buy happiness, but the things that matter doesn't have a price tag on them.
4. The best way to kill time is to do nothing but reverse crunches on the bed and pretend you have a pet cobra (just for fun).
5. Being openminded is key, but having boundaries is the essential alarm that goes with it.
6. There's no such thing as changes, we just suck at adapting.
7. A pair of a statement shoes is the only thing you need when it comes to being stylish.
8. You don't miss the person, you miss the situations when s/he was around.
9. Time heals all wound, all anxiety, all things actually, but it's the extra push that gets you through.
10. Every girl needs to have a strong eyebrow game and a self esteem of concrete so she's not bothered to watch a movie or dine alone.
11. Fit is the deal, being skinny hurts.
12. Listen to your heart and let the brain finish the process.
13. Bitchface all the way.
14. Embrace the butterflies, the sparks, the sudden heartbeats, the great feeling of hugging every single person in the room.
15. Everyone deserves to be happy and you should never be in their way.
17. Home cooked meal will always taste better.
18. Love shouldn't be spoken, it should be felt, and it should feel good.
19. Look for rightness. It only took one person to snap me out when I know the whole world is actually helping me.
20. Shoot for a flat stomach; even if you failed, you still got great arms, athletic shoulders, and probably squeeze in the bonus which is a thinner silhouette of your body.
(still shooting for flat stomach!)
Resolutions? My resolution for years to come is actually just one; be a better version of myself. I think it's easier to see everything in a big picture rather than listing it one by one on small details and at the end, you'll feel so good about yourself because if you achieve it, you'll learn so much more. Sure, learning a new language or do 100 squats a day sounds more realistic than my resolution, but things will eventually fall in place when you try to be the best that you can.
2014 will be very hard. It will be a bloodbath. I wish I could slow down because thinking it all kinda drives me insane. I think I'm not even ready for everything because I read UN as a screaming prefix un- not Ujian Nasional. I am still not ready for physics in any form and I couldn't bear to think how well I will do in UN. 2014 is less than half an hour away, and I'm bracing myself for anything. This is the year of my turning point and it will be so much bigger than having a new, awesome, pair of shoes.
Am I ready? Nope. I'm taking the biggest leap of faith to myself this year and I know that my resolution is really simple, but I have a lot of expectations I would like to indulge in the next years to come.
So here's to 2014... May the tears that I will shed, the sore that I got from laughing, the hugs and the hate and the time pulls me together, to a better version of me.
Oh! Number 16 was this:
Start letting the right people in. They're there for a reason and that reason is to wipe your tears and tell you that it's gonna be alright.
2013... It's been a blast! Not really sad though, I blogged 58,62% less than 2012! :D
Song of the year: definitely... Oh man. This is so hard. Err.............
Hardwell's Dare You featuring Matthew Koma.
Either that, or Lana Del Rey's American.
Or Ariana Grande's Honeymoon Avenue.
BYE 2013!