Sunday, March 31, 2013

Now and Then

Every now and then, gue capek belajar. It's an awful sickness. The meds? My music. Going out at night and getting home late. Buying unnecessary books that only has fifty phrases in it. Getting the car out and just driving randomly around the neighbourhood. Not caring about home works. Making sketches from upper view of my future room. Making sketches from upper view of my future apartment. Opening random blogs on my top sites. Finding funky songs. Calculating my living cost in Germany. Calculating how much it costs me a trip to Venice, Paris, Amsterdam, London, Athens, Vienna, Zurich. Go on facebook and having crazy flashback. Cry. Wasting my money on nail polishes that don't match my skin tone. Mop the floor. Having an OCD laundry day by separating everything by its colours and shades and prints and everything I like. Watch Gilmore Girls. 

"Tell him that you're never gonna leave him, tell him that you're always gonna love him, tell him-tell him-tell him-tell him right now."

Every now and then, gue capek ketemu orang-orang. Makanya gue sering bolos sekolah pake akting sumbilangeun. Kalo gak lagi sumbilangeun? Puasin aja tidur, udah jam enam tapi tidur lagi. Tetiba kan bangun jam tujuh terus gak bakal sempet ke sekolah.

Every now and then, gue kangen sama orang-orang. Makanya gue suka ngebaikin dan ngeiyain maunya orang yang deket-deket sama gue. Kalo tiba-tiba gue baik tapi lo gak (ngerasa) deket sama gue, berati gue yang ada maunya. 

Every now and then, gue bosen baca buku. Maunya dibacain. Kalo udah kaya gini, gue cuma bisa ngayal gue punya kakak yang bisa bacain cerita. Tapi abis itu ngerasa idiot, masa iya, udah bisa ngomong foul tapi buku masih dibacain.

Every now and then, gue jatuh cinta. Terus... Terus...

(efek PowerPoint yang Fade Out)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


(Cool music to crank up the week)

(Mahesa Utara is da bomb)

(Resting like a boss. Let's get back to Arabic shall we)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Something stupid (like I love you)

(put some cool music on first)

Weird thing is, I said I love you so easily. Truth, I kinda love everyone. In different ways, in a thankful ways. At some points, you'd be hearing "Aaakkk! Thank you!!! I love you so much!" from me. But seriously. Ask yourself again. If you're really, truly my bestfriend, you won't be hearing a lot of this from me. All I throw you is just another bullshit jokes or insecure reminders for you. Via text, sure. I give a lot of ILYs and smooches via text, but man, I didn't even hug. I mean if you threw your arms around me than sure, yeah, I'll hug you back. But to be the bigger person and stretch out my hands? Nope. Even though sometimes at moments I wish I had been hugging, squealing my bestfriends, I won't do that.

No. I'm not crazy, lol. 

Or delusional.

Here's the thing. I think I've said I love you at perfect times, and have people saying I love you at perfect times. You know. When no one is around and you just kinda say it loud, with a big smile. Or when everybody is around and the words just kinda sneak in the back of your neck. Or you kinda gave a gift and they said thank you, and they opened it and you can just see it in their eyes that they love it, and in comes the I love you. Perfect moments. Now? Not so much. I kinda give it away easily though. Too easily? I don't know. 

It's just that, hey, do that perfect moments exist anymore? If I have the opt to either relive those moments or create new ones... You'll know which one I'd pick.

Nah. I'd pick Germany for university over anything at this point.

(Met Herr Klauss today and to be honest, I did not get every word he said. Man, those German and that accent. Better play dead but hey, that's future right up there)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Kali-kali ngepost pake bahasa indonesia.

Bete ya hari ini mau OOTD ke taste test tapi malah lupa. Belum biasa apa gimana, nggak ngerti. 

Jadi hari ini taste test buat venue ulang tahun. Di Kemang. Semoga kalian nyampe di sana ya:)) Makanannya enak-enak tapi sayang cakenya agak kering. Efek kulkas kali ya. 

Terus mau ngomong apa gak tau. Sekarang lagi deg-degan aja sih MU lawan Chelsea. Di Old Trafford pula. Biasanya sih kalo away, Chelsea mainnya bagus. Tapi MU juga pasti bagus, masa iya di kandang sendiri kalah. Kalo kalah, si Abiw sama Amel bisa busuk gue ledekin. Kalo gue kalah, bisa nangis gue dibusukin mereka berdua. Dilema ya, segeng tapi beda visi. Alah. Apa coba beda visi.

(Gak bahas Howard Webb kok. Itu urusan Sir Alex sama Tuhan aja)

Bete apa lagi ya. Entah kenapa sekarang gue jadi tukang bete (dan marah-marah gak jelas. Meja ruang PAI catnya pada bocel-bocel karena gue garukin. Ada yang bentuk gunung sama pedesaan. Ada yang lain lagi yang gak jelas. Maafkan aku ya Tuhan) dan sebenernya nggak enak. Kelebihan hormon apa gimana. Terus sekarang pilek yang bener-bener pilek. Nggak kaya biasanya. Biasanya tuh bengek terus ingusnya gak bisa keluar, jadi bikin sesek. Kalo sekarang, meler terus bersinnya banyak kali. Ini gak asik. Besok harus bawa tisu sama kantong plastik. Abis, tong sampah di BI minim. Gak kaya dulu di Spensa. Eh, gak boleh bandingin.

Sekarang udah gak galau lagi dong. Ini penting banget. Asal jangan dibahas aja ya, gue bisa nostalgia terus ntar terjebak. Berasa Raisa. Tau dari mana Brin? Soalnya sekarang gue ngefans matinya sama Nolan Funk. Karena ada cowok di luar sana yang menurut gue kaya Nolan Funk. Dikit sih, tapi yang penting sekarang Nolan Funk yang mendominasi otak gue. Nolan Funk, sama Branislav Ivanovic. Tapi mana ada kw-annya Branislav Ivanovic di dunia ini. Ada sih, tapi di Cake Boss, dan itu jauh juga. Jadi nggak diitung. Gue pingin ngestalk Nolan Funk di tumblr, malah dapet spoiler. Dunia emang jahat. Terus Nolan Funk yang dulu agak cupu dan gak se'hot' sekarang. Nggak papa, manusiawi. Untuk gue yang bisa ganti muka sebulan sekali (kalo merhatiin foto gue, itu agak agak zonk karena muka gue berubah terus. Entah efek kamera, atau efek filter Camera360, atau muka gue keseringan berkembang. Yang udah pasti tetep sipit dan beler kaya zombie), itu wajar banget. Sebenernya lebih mirip ke Jacob Artist sih tapi kita diem-diem aja. Soalnya Nolan Funk lebih keren. Apanya? Nggak tau. Pokoknya lebih keren.

Udah ah. Gue mulai deg-degan parah gamenya mau mulai. Food for your thoughts:

Oh iya, gue berenti celfit, terus disuruh nari Jawa. Gak papa kok.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Hey you, come over and let me embrace you. I know that I'm causing you pain too but remember if you need to cry, I'm here to wipe your eyes.

I just started to listen to this song (a lot) and I hope Hunter Clarington sings this in Glee. Impossible. 

Anyway. This song reminds me of you. If we were still together, I'm a hundred percent sure that you'd sing this for me. You're one of the good ones.