Every now and then, gue capek belajar. It's an awful sickness. The meds? My music. Going out at night and getting home late. Buying unnecessary books that only has fifty phrases in it. Getting the car out and just driving randomly around the neighbourhood. Not caring about home works. Making sketches from upper view of my future room. Making sketches from upper view of my future apartment. Opening random blogs on my top sites. Finding funky songs. Calculating my living cost in Germany. Calculating how much it costs me a trip to Venice, Paris, Amsterdam, London, Athens, Vienna, Zurich. Go on facebook and having crazy flashback. Cry. Wasting my money on nail polishes that don't match my skin tone. Mop the floor. Having an OCD laundry day by separating everything by its colours and shades and prints and everything I like. Watch Gilmore Girls.
"Tell him that you're never gonna leave him, tell him that you're always gonna love him, tell him-tell him-tell him-tell him right now."
Every now and then, gue capek ketemu orang-orang. Makanya gue sering bolos sekolah pake akting sumbilangeun. Kalo gak lagi sumbilangeun? Puasin aja tidur, udah jam enam tapi tidur lagi. Tetiba kan bangun jam tujuh terus gak bakal sempet ke sekolah.
Every now and then, gue kangen sama orang-orang. Makanya gue suka ngebaikin dan ngeiyain maunya orang yang deket-deket sama gue. Kalo tiba-tiba gue baik tapi lo gak (ngerasa) deket sama gue, berati gue yang ada maunya.
Every now and then, gue bosen baca buku. Maunya dibacain. Kalo udah kaya gini, gue cuma bisa ngayal gue punya kakak yang bisa bacain cerita. Tapi abis itu ngerasa idiot, masa iya, udah bisa ngomong foul tapi buku masih dibacain.
Every now and then, gue jatuh cinta. Terus... Terus...
(efek PowerPoint yang Fade Out)